The Climate Emergency Requires Everyone to Work Together

Across the globe, across Europe, across Britain and across Derby there are growing calls for real action to combat climate change. We are already experiencing extreme weather events and action is needed now, as they will become more frequent and more severe.
Derby Liberal Democrat councillors have responded to this urgency - and calls from the local community - by drafting a motion now submitted to Derby City Council for debate at the full Council meeting on 22nd May.
Cllr Lucy Care proposed the motion. She said "Over ten years ago the Council set itself targets to reduce its own carbon emissions. These have not been given enough priority recently, and in any case greater action is needed. Change is needed across all sectors, all areas of society, not just the Council. Leadership is needed to drive this change.
"Global change is needed, but is not yet happening. To prevent average global temperatures exceeding 1.5oC - the danger level identified by the IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) - will take action by everyone. So starting with local communities and building up to a global movement is just as valid as starting from the top and working down."
Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Derby Council, Cllr Ruth Skelton said "Let Derby lead! We need an effective plan for Derby, but we already know that some of the actions that will be needed will be good for Derby in other ways too. The sooner we take action the sooner everyone can benefit!"
Actions that are likely to be needed include:
- Improving building insulation - which will provide employment and reduce fuel bills
- More active travel like walking and cycling - which helps people stay healthy and reduces air pollution
- Eating less red meat and more fruit and veg,- which is often cheaper and healthier.
Lucy added "The initial challenge will be putting together a deliverable plan to start this process. The plan will need to be updated and reviewed regularly for years - not done once and then left to sit on a shelf. I hope that the wider public in Derby will be involved to help make this a city-wide movement."