Improve city centre bus information
Bus departure information is displayed in Derby Bus Station for buses leaving from the Bus Station. However, not all buses from Derby city centre leave from the Bus Station. Departure times for buses using a particular stop are shown on some individual stops.
If travellers need more information, they need to refer to a website or call at the enquiry office to find out where a bus will depart from. This is often not convenient, or easy to do.
Providing departure information for all buses leaving the city centre, both bus station and city streets, would help travellers. This information is needed not only at the bus station, but near other main bus stop areas.
If we want more people to use the busses, they must be accessible and easy to use, which includes knowing where and when they run.
Where do all the buses depart from - and when?
Derby City Council has been given money to improve bus travel. Not all city centre buses go into the bus station. We think that information needs improving for people changing buses in the city centre. Derby City Council, please use some of the transport grant from the Regional Mayor to provide bus departure information on city centre streets where bus services start and finish, including on Corporation Street, Victoria and Albert Streets, near The Spot and Babington Lane. We want to see information about buses leaving from these areas at departure boards in the bus station, and vice versa.